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A tale of two housing bills

Joannie Prentice compares two different housing bills filed in this year’s General Assembly, and their effect on renters across the state.


Kentucky needs affordable housing. Lots of it. Thousands of housing units, in fact. Here’s why.


So, what are Kentucky legislators doing to help our people? Here are two examples.

HB 173 by Ryan Dotson

One of the ugliest bills filed to date is HB 173 by Ryan Dotson (R) that wants to protect landlords from having to assess their rental properties for safety issues – like lead, one of the most dangerous substances any house can contain.


HB 58 by Lisa Willner

On the flip side, there are legislators like Rep Lisa Willner, who filed HB 58. When a person experiences a medical or mental health emergency and ends up having to move to a different setting, what happens with their rental lease? When your mom falls and breaks her hip and has to leave her home suddenly and can’t go back, maybe has to move into assisted living, what happens with her lease? Apparently not all landlords will let someone out of their lease when these types of things occur.