Starting from:


Are you a CHINO (Christian in Name Only)?

Ken Wolf does a take on the familiar RINO and DINO terms, and gives all people of faith something to think about.


A friend of mine, whose identity remains anonymous for his/her/their own protection, shared this title phrase with me some time ago.

Stealing the title of the famous book by Jeff Foxworthy, “You Might be a Redneck If…” I would argue that you might be a CHINO if:

  • You associate being Christian more with what you believe than with how you behave.
  • You believe that the Biblical phrase “the poor you will always have with you” means that you do not have to help them become less poor.
  • You believe that Jesus requires only a personal relationship with him – one that does not extend to groups of people or other individuals who are not like you in some important way(s).
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